Museu Casa do Colecionador _ 1st PRIZE
“Prémio de Arquitetura do Algarve Edição 2024”
Category: equipments, services and industry
Promoted by: Secção Regional do Algarve da Ordem dos Arquitetos (OA ALG)
Atelier Data _ SHORTLISTED
Distinguished in the article “Portugal`s architects finding inspiration from the economic crises” by the Financial Times journal: Property Listings
Forwarding Dallas _ 1st PRIZE
Award: International competition Re:Vision DALLAS:
what if one block in Texas became the sustainable model for the world?
Promoted by: Central Dallas Community Development Corporation, Dallas, USA
(in partnership with Moov)
Casa na Praia Grande _ SHORTLISTED
Award: “Hauser - Award 2024”
Category: houses
Promoted by: Hauser
(Book by Bettina Hintze, published by Penguin Random House)
Award: International competition for the requalification and planning of the seafront of Praia de Faro
Promoted by: Câmara Municipal de Faro, Portugal
Casa na Praia Grande _ NOMINATION
Award: “Building of the Year 2024”
Category: houses
Promoted by: Archdaily
Casa Varatojo _ 1st PRIZE
Award: Bienal de Arquitetura 2012/2013
Category: houses
Promoted by: Câmara Municipal de Torres Vedras, Portugal
Powerfold _ 1st PRIZE
Award: International competition VectorE: Economic Valorization of Science and Technology, Organization and Business Planning for New Technology-Based Companies
Promoted by: Centro de Estudos em inovação, Tecnologia e Políticas de Desenvolvimento, IN+, Lisbon
Award: “Prémio Arquitetura no Alentejo 2023”
Category: new construction
Promoted by: Secção Regional do Alentejo da Ordem dos Arquitetos (OA SRALT)
“Cheira bem, cheira a Lisboa” _ 1st PRIZE
Award: ANDAR EM FESTA _ ideas competition
Promoted by: EGEAC (Empresa de Gestão de Equipamentos e Animação Cultural)
Rotundas de Valpaços _ 3rd PRIZE
Award: Competition for the decoration of the roundabout in the urban expansion area
Promoted by: Câmara Municipal de Valpaços, Portugal
Alice in Wonderlight _ SHORTLISTED
Award: CREA Awards 2012 - VIBIA international competition
Promoted by: Vibia, Espanha
Tapete Sobre Escadas _ HONORABLE MENTION
Award: Competition for the Intervention in the historical core of Oeiras
Promoted by: Associação Industrial Portuguesa, Lisboa
Casa Cabrita Moleiro _ NOMINATION
Award: “Building of the Year 2023”
Category: houses
Promoted by: Archdaily
Activity Zapping _ HONORABLE MENTION
Award: “Concurso Internacional de proyectos contra la pobreza y exclusión social”
Promoted by: Ministry of Culture and Sport of Spain, Madrid, Spain
3000 Viviendas _ 1st PRIZE
Award: International competition “3000 viviendas”, Vallecas, Madrid
Promoted by: Master’s Collective Housing: Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitetura, Madrid
Casa Cabrita Moleiro _ 1st PRIZE
“Prémio de Arquitetura do Algarve”
Category: houses
Promoted by: Secção Regional do Algarve da Ordem dos Arquitetos (OA ALG)
Award: Competition Europan 10: Inventing Urbanity, Lisbon
Promoted by: Europan-Europe
(in partnership with Moov)
Powerfold _ 1st PRIZE
Award: Lisbon Ideas Challenge - Urban Design with Photovoltaics
Promoted by: Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa
Casa na Praia Grande _ SHORTLISTED
Award: “Hauser - Award 2024”
Category: houses
Promoted by: Hauser
(Book by Bettina Hintze, published by Penguin Random House)
Casa na Praia Grande _ NOMINATION
Award: “Building of the Year 2024”
Category: houses
Promoted by: Archdaily
Award: “Prémio Arquitetura no Alentejo 2023”
Category: new construction
Promoted by: Secção Regional do Alentejo da Ordem dos Arquitetos (OA SRALT)
Casa Cabrita Moleiro _ NOMINATION
Award: “Building of the Year 2023”
Category: houses
Promoted by: Archdaily
Casa Cabrita Moleiro _ 1st PRIZE
“Prémio de Arquitetura do Algarve”
Category: houses
Promoted by: Secção Regional do Algarve da Ordem dos Arquitetos (OA ALG)
Atelier Data _ SHORTLISTED
Distinguished in the article “Portugal`s architects finding inspiration from the economic crises” by the Financial Times journal: Property Listings
Casa Varatojo _ 1st PRIZE
Award: Bienal de Arquitetura 2012/2013
Category: houses
Promoted by: Câmara Municipal de Torres Vedras, Portugal
“Cheira bem, cheira a Lisboa” _ 1st PRIZE
Award: ANDAR EM FESTA _ ideas competition
Promoted by: EGEAC (Empresa de Gestão de Equipamentos e Animação Cultural)
Alice in Wonderlight _ SHORTLISTED
Award: CREA Awards 2012 - VIBIA international competition
Promoted by: Vibia, Espanha
Activity Zapping _ HONORABLE MENTION
Award: “Concurso Internacional de proyectos contra la pobreza y exclusión social”
Promoted by: Ministry of Culture and Sport of Spain, Madrid, Spain
Award: Competition Europan 10: Inventing Urbanity, Lisbon
Promoted by: Europan-Europe
(in partnership with Moov)
Forwarding Dallas _ 1st PRIZE
Award: International competition Re:Vision DALLAS:
what if one block in Texas became the sustainable model for the world?
Promoted by: Central Dallas Community Development Corporation, Dallas, USA
(in partnership with Moov)
Award: International competition for the requalification and planning of the seafront of Praia de Faro
Promoted by: Câmara Municipal de Faro, Portugal
Powerfold _ 1st PRIZE
Award: International competition VectorE: Economic Valorization of Science and Technology, Organization and Business Planning for New Technology-Based Companies
Promoted by: Centro de Estudos em inovação, Tecnologia e Políticas de Desenvolvimento, IN+, Lisbon
Rotundas de Valpaços _ 3rd PRIZE
Award: Competition for the decoration of the roundabout in the urban expansion area
Promoted by: Câmara Municipal de Valpaços, Portugal
Tapete Sobre Escadas _ HONORABLE MENTION
Award: Competition for the Intervention in the historical core of Oeiras
Promoted by: Associação Industrial Portuguesa, Lisboa
3000 Viviendas _ 1st PRIZE
Award: International competition “3000 viviendas”, Vallecas, Madrid
Promoted by: Master’s Collective Housing: Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitetura, Madrid
Powerfold _ 1st PRIZE
Award: Lisbon Ideas Challenge - Urban Design with Photovoltaics
Promoted by: Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa